The bus arrived!! Time to find comfortable sit for a long journey..
Comfortable bus and all are happy
An adventures river at the bottom of the cave.Sometimes the water level reach about 2 feet.
we just slide down from high wet rock with muddy surface.Surely our cloth get dirty.
Get to pass this hole and the river waiting down there..Who have big size body.. a bit harder to get into.. hehe
Way to the Top OF The World.. We have to climb a very long stair to reach there
The moss in the cave..? how can?? it is miracle..
We are at the pit stop, take a minute rest before continue our journey in this mystery cave.
A lot of interesting shape can be found here.It is natural made !!
The end of the tour. Everybody get wet surviving in the river to arrive the end.. yeay !!
Memory at Gua Tempurung entrance.. Proud to be Gua Tempurung survivor.. hehe
Bye-bye Gua Tempurung..See ya again soon..!!
We gain new experience there. See the beautiful of nature even under the earth.Thank you so much to our friend who follow this trip.And done forget to shout your comment about this trip..