Monday, April 13, 2009

Memory at Gua Tempurung

Trip to Gua tempurung was very nice and enjoying. We will not forget Gua Tempurung adventures experience.Our club were planning to have better and more adventure trip soon!!

The bus arrived!! Time to find comfortable sit for a long journey..

Comfortable bus and all are happy

An adventures river at the bottom of the cave.Sometimes the water level reach about 2 feet.

we just slide down from high wet rock with muddy surface.Surely our cloth get dirty.

Get to pass this hole and the river waiting down there..Who have big size body.. a bit harder to get into.. hehe

Way to the Top OF The World.. We have to climb a very long stair to reach there

The moss in the cave..? how can?? it is miracle..

We are at the pit stop, take a minute rest before continue our journey in this mystery cave.

A lot of interesting shape can be found here.It is natural made !!

The end of the tour. Everybody get wet surviving in the river to arrive the end.. yeay !!

Memory at Gua Tempurung entrance.. Proud to be Gua Tempurung survivor.. hehe

Bye-bye Gua Tempurung..See ya again soon..!!

We gain new experience there. See the beautiful of nature even under the earth.Thank you so much to our friend who follow this trip.And done forget to shout your comment about this trip..

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Expedition to Gua Tempurung .. coming soon!!

Expedition to Gua Tempurung (Tempurung Cave)

The Wondrous Caves
One of the most majestic white marble and limestone towers in Malaysia is the Gunung Tempurung. Concealed within this limestone massif is an intricate system of caves of various dimensions honeycombed inside the limestone hills. These caves are actually a breathtaking gallery of stalagmites and stalactites and other amazing rock formations which are superb speleogical wonders found only in this part of the world.

GUA TEMPURUNG is the main attraction here. The cave meanders under the limestone hill and forms a tunnel of wondrous and endless rock formations that runs from east to west, nearly 2 km in length.

Believed to have existed since early 8000 B.C., Gua Tempurung is probably the largest natural limestone structure in Malaysia. Explore Perak's best-kept secret, the Tempurung Caves. One of the most majestic white marble and limestone towers in Malaysia. Concealed within the massif structure is an intricate system of caves filled with various combed dimensions. Known to the locals as Gua Tempurung, the name conjures images of mystery and intrigue that ensures a peek into its deep and dark secrets.
You will have an adventurous journey that you'll never forget!
With the most adventurous tour type,you will be in dark mystery underworld for three hours tracking the wet path and stream to the way out.Prepare to view the mystery of underworld that you have never seen before.

!!Come and join us!!
(limited to 40 persons only)

Event: Gua Tempurung Trip.
Date: 21 MARCH 2009
Venue: Gua Tempurung
Fees: Members RM 25.00
Non-Members RM 30.00

for further details please contact person below:-
email -
Zaki - 019-2216055 | zakisy YM
Kamarul - 013-2455377 | ultimaweapon_03

Monday, December 22, 2008

Searching for a new pet???

Our club try to help the pet lover who are searching for his/her new pet.. If it is hard for you to find your pet by tiredly searching it all over the world by yourself.. We have the solution.. We recomend for you to search it by online.. this are two site that you can try to search your pet..( and ( when already in.. select your country-section(pet)-and to make it easier and faster.. directly type your pet name at (find)column..

*(for the adpost site)remember to check the vendor place.. maybe it is out of your place, so it is hard for you to meet the vendor.

hope we make you easier!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Our Official LOGO!!!!

Greeting guys!

After several weeks and after we calculate the votes for our official logo, 13 logos have been nominated. Below is the result:

logo 1 : 2 votes
logo 2 : 3 votes
logo 3 : 1 vote
logo 4 : 13 votes
logo 5 : 6 votes
logo 6 : 5 votes
logo 7 : -
logo 8 : -
logo 9 : -
logo 10 : 1 vote
logo 11 : 1 vote
logo 12 : 6 votes
logo 13 : -

Obviously, logo no 4 got 13 votes and that's our official logo for our club! and we hope that everybody satisfied with the result. from time to time, we will update our blog in term of design and our activities.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


As we promised, we are going to put up our logos for you all vote. so here is some logos and do vote to choose only the one to be our PLCC logo. These are several logos designed by our multimedia design, thanks to fatin.

p/s: if you want to vote, please vote through a comment link OR shoutbox (tak nampak gak tatau la...hoho)

No 1 ----------------------------- No 2
No 3 ---------------------------- No 4
No 5 ---------------------------- No 6
No 7 ---------------------------- No 8
Photobucket Photobucket
No 9 ---------------------------- No 10
No 11 --------------------------- No 12
No 13

We really need your cooperation in this matter, and we appreciate it. Anyone can vote any logo u desired.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Welcome to PLCC

Greetings to everyone,

We are Pet Lovers Club Cyberjaya or PLCC gratefully welcoming all the members of PLCC or perhaps non-members as well to this very 1st blog for our club. We know it’s been a long time and our club seems like very passive even we already organized one event for last semester which is our Ice Breaking and there are several events coming right away. Well, for your information we planning to have a trip to make us closer to animal world and experience yourself the environment.

We really hope all our events will flow smoothly and of course cooperation from all club members and non-members too to form a good teamwork in order to success and achieve our goal as a pet lover.

Soon we will put up our logos and we hope everyone can put your vote to decide which logo will become our club logo. Anybody can vote and do comment and suggest any constructive opinion to our club and wait our blog's new look soon!

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